wanna be

Friday, June 5, 2009

Humor Umum Nenek - Nenek

Suatu pagi di stasiun kereta api, ada seorang nenek yang bertanya pada petugas loket.

Nenek : Nak, keretanya sampai jam berapa??

Petugas Loket : Jam 1 dari Surabaya, jam 2 Bandung, jam 3 Semarang, jam 4 Yogya. Emangnya nenek mau pergi mana??

Nenek : Enggak, nenek cuma mau melintas saja..

Ini sih guyonan jaman dulu…. tapi kalau guyonan jaman sekarang :

Petugas Loket : Emang nenek mau kemana ??

Nenek : Ahh enggak.. cuma nawarin pakai Sunlight..

(ternyata si nenek ikut AGEN 1000 SUNLIGHT)..

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How to Protec Your Job in a Recession

By Janet Banks and Diane Coutu

As the economy softens, corporate downsizing appears almost inevitable. Don’t panic yet, through. While layoff decions might seem beyond your control, there’s plenty you can do to make sure you retain your job.

In this article, Banks, a former HR executive at Chase Manhattan and FleetBoston Financial, and Coutu, an HBR senior editor and former affiliate scholar at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, describe how to improve your chances of survival. It’s mostly a matter of coolheaded planning they observe. When cuts loom, the first thing to do is act like a survivor. Be confident and cheerful. Research shows that congeniality trumps competence when push cornes to shove. Look to the future by focusing on customers, for without them, no one will have work. Survivors also tend to be versatile, tight budgets demand managers who can wear several hats, so startdemonstrating what other capabilities you can offer. If
you’re, say, a managers who once worked as a teacher, take on a training role.

Remember to be a good corporate citizen: Participation matters now more than ever. It isn’t the time to behave as if work is beneath you or to argue for a new title. When one executive’s departement was folded under the management of a less-experienced colleague, she swallowed her pride and wholeheart-edly supported the hierarchy. Her superiors noticed her commitment and eventually rewarded her with a prestigious appointment.

It’s also important to offer leaders hope and realistic solutions. Energize your colleagues around change, like the VP of learning at a firm undergoing major staff reductions did. He organized a humorous in-house radio show that revived spirits and helped management communicate with employees-and ended up with a promotion.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Develop A Process For Continuing Business Model Innovation

In recent days, Apple announced that co-founder Steve Jobs would be leaving the company for a time to deal with some health issues. Investors and analysts closely eyed how the stock price responded.

In interview after interview, people wanted to know whether Apple could maintain its cutting edge innovative abilities while Jobs is out of the picture. Isn't that interesting? Why wouldn't Apple continue to innovate? Or will it?

Now, ask yourself how well your organization would do in making business model innovations if you weren't available? Hopefully, it wouldn't make any difference and your business model would be continually updated without you.

For most organizations, however, that's not the case. The "solitary genius" toils seemingly alone (or at least doesn't let anyone else make a decision) in many companies. When that person dies or retires, everyone knows that the glory days are over.

Whatever happened to Edwin Land's Polaroid?

You get the idea.

Most organizations are led by mere mortals, and they look to create a systematic source of success. A few organizations are blessed with geniuses who can continue to find more successful business model innovations. That blessing, however, turns into a curse if the genius stops delivering or leaves.

While one person does all the thinking, others daydream about what they will do after work rather than coming up with their own business model innovations.

A better approach is to install a process that engages lots of people in proposing and testing potential business model innovations. Examples where continuing business model innovation had been made into day-to-day work are few and far between. Typically, however, when the leader left who had organized the innovation process, business model innovation for that organization ended.

During a time of economic crisis like 2009, most companies will stumble because they will keep doing what they've always done . . . even if that approach stops working. Boards of directors will be shouting for better cost controls, for stronger balance sheets, for more influential leaders. And those won't help if the business model is broken.

Wake up! Smell the coffee.

If you don't have a process to upgrade your business model by the end of 2009, you are in trouble.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. Have lots of experiments going that don't cost very much.

2. Cut off experiments that don't seem to be going where you want to go.

3. Share insights into what kinds of improved business models might work.

4. Watch progress on developing new business models very carefully.

5. Invite stakeholders to participate.

6. Consider running global contests to get lots of help from the world's best thinkers.

7. Let non-experts have a crack at making improvements, too.

8. Focus on innovations that will expand the market by providing new reasons and opportunities to do business with you.

Sales Management: Tips For Conducting Performance Reviews

One of your tasks as a sales manager is to conduct performance reviews, and whether they are conducted at the end of the year, monthly, or otherwise, these reviews are very important for you, for the company, and of course, for the members of your sales team. Feedback can boost morale, improve performance, and can also help resolve issues and get to the bottom of factors effecting employee performance.

Tip One: Have your sales team provide a list of individual accomplishments achieved since their last review. Not only will this make them feel as though they are going into the performance review with a good measure of their actual performance, but it will also help to refresh your memory when it comes to deals they have closed and projects they have worked on.

Tip Two: Be honest. Of course you should mention the good things, but you shouldnt shirk from mentioning the areas that you feel they need to focus on and improve. This is a performance review, after all, and if you do not take this time to point out problems, the chances are good that they are not going to magically disappear by the time of the next performance review.
Avoid blanket statements such as you did a good job, you need to work on this, this is what I would like to see, my door is always open, etc. Try you are an asset to the sales team, what would you do over again if you could, where would you like to be, and how can I help, instead,

Tip Three: Provide concrete examples. When you are offering your feedback, positive or negative, be sure to provide concrete examples that illustrate your point. You can say that you admire someones leadership and drive, or that you think that they need to be more proactive, but without examples, your helpful insights will sound vague.

Tip Four: Relocate. What does this mean. Typically, performance reviews take place with the reviewer behind a desk facing the employee, which, as you have probably noticed, does not do very much to alleviate anxiety and stress for either you or the person whose performance you are reviewing. Why not choose a more neutral location, the cafeteria, the lobby, or somewhere else that will facilitate a less tense atmosphere for both of you.

Remember, performance reviews are meant to facilitate communication and improve productivity, but, as you know, they also create anxiety on both sides of the table. Following these tips will help make the review process go more smoothly for both you and the members of your sales team.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

online branding strategy

ePositioning strategic

EPositioning rooted to the concept of how we position ourselves (institutions) in the Internet world. Michael Porter said that in marketing, positioning corenya strategy is to position a unique and valuable to customers. Hermawan Kartajaya positioning is considered a starting point and a strategy for the formulation process differentiation. Prof. Kim will assume that positioninglah show that we have in the ocean blue (ocean blue) or the ocean red (red ocean). We can see that Detik.Com positioned itself as the fastest news source Indonesia. As the Google.com search engine and it terakurat in the world. Positioning IlmuKomputer.Com I directed it to reference it in Indonesia. I do not build and IlmuKomputer.Com position IT as a source of news, because the ocean is red;) already have a strong detikinet.com there, for example, and so on. Cosa Aranda position as a blog site to learn adsense and container business on the internet. My brother in high school classrooms TN, Anjar Priandoyo positioned as a place to blog discussions IT audit issues. PRIYADI with the strength of the content is unique, and mencerahkan presented with a language that is easy to make that position to become popular own blog. And do not forget how Planet Terasi also successfully positioned itself as the IT blog Aggregator be the most at this time;)

Positioning this ditancapkan to the user in mind the form of slogans, the focus of the content and cargo. Positioning is determined from the results of research to users. Research and marketing intelligence that should be directed to the formation of a unique positioning, dipersepsi positively by users, the benefits of a competitive and sustainable development of the appropriate market. Do you find where your positioning? Better set before regretted terlanjur into a bloody red ocean-blood:)


eUniqueness means that we are unique in the virtual world, starting from this domain name, site design, icon, logo, slogan, and unique features that can not be obtained elsewhere. eUniqueness often as I call it the tip of the spear and setombak-tombaknya branding;) ePositioning and ePromotion will very easily and quickly be done if we have eUniqueness. EUniqueness Google search engine because of a simple design, have unique features such as google earth, AdWords, adsense, trends, etc.. IlmuKomputer.Com have eUniqueness with the format in the form of PDF articles, online consultation, bundling CDROM, to-an-comprehensive material and that due to the Gratisannya. The Japanese people, TADA yasui mono mono wa nai (there is no cheaper than free goods);) Wikipedia others, eUniqueness is offered freedom and a review of the materials together and premium content. Detik.Com news producers to create competition in many areas are not relevant because one of eUniquenessnya is integralitas content, which is present not only the political but also areas of finance, sports, IT, infotainment, etc..


Unlike the real world with a campaign that only a mass media both print, electronic and television. EPromosi system usually can be done with the campaign through other sites, through mailing lists, through instant messaging, through blogwalking (plus fill comments) and the most significant is a campaign through the search engine. Promotion through other sites that can be used to register with the site's social ads, for example kampungblog.com, iklanbaris.co.id, etc.. Who can pay through media such as detik.com, kompas.com, eramuslim.com, etc.. Advertising through the mailing list should be careful lest we enter the area in spamming activities, because it can kontraproduktif especially if we hit a tire from the mailing list. Make a campaign mailing in the following discussion and provide solutions to the community. Lha campaigns where? Give it a signature that is not vulgar in our email. To campaign in instant messaging (eg Yahoo Messenger) also should not send the message to all contacts on our list, but enough to change the status of Yahoo Messenger, and give us a URL to a site that we promote. Blogwalking and fill the comments also include ePromotion. Better when you visit the site listed in MyBlogLog.Com, automatically we will visit one-even record, including our photo, this ePromotion free:)

Ad to the search engine is the most effective. Target for example, only one search engine to a large, according to various data Google.com holds 70% market share search engine. Step through the beginning of the campaign is of course a search engine that indexed by search engines, then we can use features such as ads on the Google Adword. And the most important business is to show our site in the first page of search engines when users search for the keywords that we viewfinder. For that we can use various SEO techniques, for example, set the title tag, keyword reproduce the content, reproduce backlink, raise the frequency of updating the content, etc.. Does not actually have to use SEO techniques to become the number one search engine, as long as we have eUniqueness and ePositioning good. IlmuKomputer.Com I wake up without any attention to SEO techniques. Excellence ePositioning and eUniqueness IlmuKomputer.Com in fact bring in big traffic, so the first to occupy some peringat keyword search google.com, for example, e-Learning Brazil. There are hundreds of SEO techniques that we can use, but we must be careful not to go to the blackhat SEO.

Are you or your institution you want to be a brand champion on the Internet? Please use ePUP, hopefully useful

consumer responsibility

This is something that has bothered me for a long time, and in light of the recent goings on in the world of consumerism I feel compelled to write about my feelings. First off, most people need look no further than in the mirror to find who’s to blame for the current state of the market / consumer relationship and the state of the products and services available. Why? Because it is the consumer who has the power! If the consumer doesn’t spend their money on a product or service, said product or service won’t succeed. It’s basic supply and demand which anyone with a high school education should have learned. So, companies build inferior products or provide services that don’t quite live up to the consumers expectations. Whose fault is it that they persist? The consumers of course! Consider the recent announcement concerning Philips Electronics filing for a patent on technology that will prevent consumers from changing television channels while a commercial is being displayed. How is it the consumers’ fault that Philips was able to file such a patent? Because consumers have been having their rights slowly stolen from them for years, often times under the guise of acronyms that they hardly know the definition of let alone fully understand the consequences of, and likely assume to be a desirable feature rather than a loss of functionality or freedom.
Take DRM (Digital Rights Management) for example. Many portable media players and associated online media services tout DRM as if it were an important feature that consumers should look for and demand to be included in the products and services that they buy. The truth of the matter is that DRM is nothing more than an attempt to keep the consumer from having total control and freedom over the media related products and services that they pay for, often forcing consumers to purchase numerous copies of the same media just to use it on more than one specific device. Companies (yes they are companies, not organizations, they operate for profit whether they say they do or not) such as the RIAA and MPAA want you to believe that you aren’t buying the actual media, but rather a license to use it. Now they’ve taken it a step further in some cases, stating that the license should only cover using the licensed media in conjunction with one specific device.

Given the licensing and rights devolution of the last decade it should come as no surprise that a company like Philips, who has a tremendous history of licensing everything under the sun, would devise a patent for a technology that would force consumers to suffer through commercials and other forms of advertising (can you visualize TV pop-ups) while watching television, or pay a premium on top of what they already pay to have commercial free viewing or the ability to change channels during commercials. People are only now beginning to see just how dubious these companies are. Remember the Sony / BMG “rootkit” fiasco earlier this year? Of course from their point of view you have no true rights to the media that you use anyway. The way they see it you aren’t purchasing the actual media itself but rather a license to use it, and ever increasingly it’s a license to use it only in a particular form that they specify.

So when you’re busy complaining about how unfair it is that you can’t transfer the 99 cent song that you purchased from iTunes over to your home theater system or play it in your car without going through hoops (that may very well violate the Terms of Service that you blindly agreed to, and quite possible break the law as well), stop and remind yourself that it is you, the one who purchased that 99 cent DRM restricted garbage, that has the power to change things. Just because you can bypass the DRM on that iTunes download doesn’t mean that you should or that you should pay for such merchandise in the first place.

The only way that companies are going to stop stealing consumer freedoms is for consumers to quit paying them. They don’t care that you can bypass DRM, you’re still paying for DRM enabled devices and media plus once you do they have the RIAA and MPAA waiting in the wings looking for the opportunity to say “see, we told you so”. The same goes for new technologies such as the proposed new forced advertisement viewing system by Philips. If you think that consumers have no power over what companies impose on them via the products and services they produce just ask entertainment software maker Ubisoft how it feels about Starforce copyright protection. After a 5 million dollar class action lawsuit and consumers threatening to boycott the company they hastily decided to drop Starforce protection from all future products.

It’s time to take a stand and let companies know that consumers refuse to be forced in to anything. You, with the money in hand, you have the power and the voice. Without your money they have nothing, so speak up, and let them hear what you have to say.

Strategic Management Science

The term Management Science is used to describe a scientific approach to management. Management science is multifaceted:

- Skill in management science helps the manager to analyze decision situations, prevent problem situations from arising, identify new opportunities, and add dollars to the bottom line.

- Many global firms now have management science functions although the function is not always known as "management science". "Decision Technologies", "Decision Sciences", or "Operational Research" are some other names used. Some firms have very large "Management Science" functions: SABRE Decision Technologies formerly a division of American Airlines is now a separate company, SABRE Technology Solutions, employing several hundred management scientists and providing management science services to American Airlines and many other organizations.

- Management science is also an industry made up of hundreds of firms and individuals who provide management science services to business, government, and individuals.

- Management science is also an academic discipline where many leading-edge ideas in management first appear. This discipline insists that ideas be theoretically sound or proven effective (unlike many other areas where new concepts, often expressed as buzz words, appear and disappear according to the rumblings of the "Guru-of-the-Month"
Strategic Management Science recognizes that management science is a source of competitive advantage which, under the right conditions, can be sustainable over a long period of time. Firms that are good at management science can create a cost advantage over their competitors. Many documented cases exist where this cost advantage is hundreds of millions of dollars.

Here is a quotation from Francisco Eizmendi Jr., who was President of San Miguel Corporation, The Philippines. San Miguel brews beer and bottles Coca Cola throughout south-east asia.

"Operations Research plays a big role in the five-year .. approximately one billion dollar expansion and modernization program that we launched in 1987. Under the program we have built 22 manufacturing plants -- we would not have dared to undertake the expansion at all without Operations Research. In our strategic planning meetings every year, whenever a division or business unit manager presents a project, we always make sure that Operations Research has gone through the proposal.

.. San Miguel's Senior Management appreciates the vital role of Operations Research in attaining our corporate goals, and in implementing the strategies that enable us to achieve adequate growth and satisfactory returns for our various stakeholders."

Other CEOs of major corporations appreciate the role that management science plays. Daniel Elwing, President and CEO of ABB Electric

"management science is not a project or a set of techniques; it is a process, a way of thinking and managing"

Both ABB Electric and San Miguel Corporation have effectively used management science to create and sustain a strategic advantage.

Strategic Management Science, Incorporated is your portal to understanding more about the use of management science strategically. This may involve learning some essential skills that all managers need to have in their tool bag, or achieving an understanding of how management science skills can be mobilized to create advantage for the firm (to the disadvantage of the competition).